Wednesday, March 18, 2009


While strolling about the interweb this evening I came across something, well, something odd to say the least. In an article titled YouTube 'spammed by US Congressmen', the author tells of the popular YouTube website being bombarded by videos from politicians peddling their diverse messages. Now normally, this article would have bored me pretty quickly--I mean, politicians seeking online! However, this part of the article caught my eye:

In a minute-long video, Mrs Pelosi showed footage of her life behind the scenes in the Capitol Building through the eyes of two pet cats.
Making matters more bizarre, the minute-long film was captured to the strains of Rick Astley’s disco hit, Never Going To Give You Up.

Whaaaaaaaaaaa? Nancy Pelosi is hot for cats and Rick Astley? Stop the muthafu*kin' presses folks! Who knew that the Rubbermaid-faced, school guidance counselor-toned Speaker of the House whore was hip on the retro music scene? I for one did not know that. And she is in tune with cats as well...holy crap.

So, you ask, now that I've found out this unique information about Mrs. Speaker, do I feel a kinship to her Fakenesty? Of course not. I really only like cats from far away, and I only enjoy Rick Astley when he showcases in an "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" episode. Even so, I am very excited to share the complete and utter idiocracy that is,
"Speaker Pelosi's Capitol Cat Cam"...


  1. Oh, shudder. What's next, Pelosi competing for love on "Rock of Love Campaign Bus with Bret Micheals" - this is uber creepy.

  2. I might add I do like the usage of the Oboe in this footage.

  3. Nothing says "politically in control" like the oboe!
