Friday, March 6, 2009

Me So Bad

Your morality is 0% in line with that of the bible.

Damn you heathen! Your book learnin' has done warped your mind. You shall not be invited next time I sacrifice a goat.

Do You Have Biblical Morals?
Take More Quizzes

It's Friday Fun Day kids! In order to start my day off with a bang, I took an interweb quiz on how Biblically moral I am--and guess what? My morals are 0% in line with the Biz-ible.

Are you feeling spriritually lucky this blessed morning? If so, take the quiz and see if you should be smitten by the lightning rod of the Lord, or patted on the head by the gentle hand of God.

1 comment:

  1. haha, I could have told you that. You are the only church-going semi-atheist I know. But I'm sure there are alot more of you all in the closet.
