Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This One's for the Pelicans

My sister and I often obsess about current events. Right now, not unlike many people, our brains have been hyper-focused on the oil spill in the Gulf. If you don't know what I'm referring to, please crawl back in to the catacombs from whence you came. Seriously, I'm not even going to hyperlink to a news source for you.

Anyway, yesterday on the news they flashed some footage of a bunch of oil covered pelicans that had been rounded up I'm assuming to be cleaned. They were pelicans, but they were mud brown and looked terribly sad. I know it sounds funny to refer to a pelican as looking sad because on a pelican's best day it usually only manages to look slightly amused, but nevertheless, these pelicans looked sad. I imagine that it must suck to have your feathers weighed down with heavy, toxic sludge. I would be sad too...

No, wait. I wouldn't be sad--I would be freaking pissed off! I would be so pissed off that I would be jumping up and down, squawking and flapping my sludge covered pelican wings. I would probably also conspire with my fellow crude covered cohorts, and eventually formulate a plan to crash all the clean-up sites and have a Dawn drenched clean-up orgy.

But that's just me. And I'm not a pelican (at least last time I checked).

Anyway, I'm thinking of taking up donations so my sister and I can fly to Louisiana, eat some shrimp, drink mint juleps, and clean those pelicans that are too sad to be pissed. You can donate to me via PayPal.

I'll let you know if I make it there before Obama and BP have gotten the spill under control. (Harharharharharhar!)

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